Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Marriz at Rizqun International Hotel Restaurant


Okay, I was supposed to post this photo last week But i got so much pictures in my hard drive that i have to transfer the Rizqun pictures to my external disc. HEHE, sorry for the long wait Hiero and viewers. Anyway, these pictures was taken on the 21st April 2008 at Rizqun International Hotel. It was a luncheon invitation by our Language & Communication Lecturer Madam Nur Sham whom treated us, especially Hiero, for participating the Language & Communication Public Presentation Competition and won second place position!

I would like to thank Madam Nur Sham for inviting me for the lunch buffet at Rizqun ! Really Wonderful treat =D
More pictures at my Multiply

* Abby was one week old with me at that time!*