Sunday, June 22, 2008

marriz saturday night at Fara's crib


Saturday 21.6.08 after the surprise dinner at Rena's residence, i headed to another dinner invitation by an old friend from SAS. I brought Cybercanon along.. I was actually quite nervous to meet them at first , as i haven't talked to them face to face for like a very long time =D...

The food was great too. . . they even have chocolate fountain*slurps.. (lurus kah tu?) so while chewing on my macaroni, i was watching the dudes playing PS3 Guitar Hero..and... it was pretty amazing to watch them pressing the buttons on the joystick so fast! *gila kali... laju ani bah*

Anyhow, i didnt stayed there too long as i had other plans. Eventhough my friend insisted to stay a bit longer.. sigh.. maybe next time again.I did enjoyed spending my evening there.. as i get to meet few other friends from SAS.. hehe Thanx for the invitation Fara & Emma.