Thursday, May 15, 2008

Marriz Forgot to renew his driving license


It has been three years for me to posses a driving license and this is my first time forgetting the expiry date.. Thank's to bro Hj Amni for reminding about it or else i would have continued driving without a license till i don't know when!

So, on the day of our FIRST EXAM PAPER, i have scheduled my morning to renew my driving license which have been expired for a month. I brought Cybercanon and Hiero along with me. At first, we went to the POST OFFICE in Q-LAP, but then the officer said that i should go to the LTD(Land Transport Department) to renew because it's been expired for so long.

With frustration, i immediately left the post office and headed to the old LTD(yup i was chasing time because i need to revise some notes for the Business Accounting Exam in the afternoon). I think i have to wait for about 20minutes for my number to be called up! it's pretty annoying actually to wait for something that actually doesn't take long to process. I don't mind if there's a lot of other customers.. but in this case.. it was only ME waiting to be called to the counter~

But anyway.. now im LEGAL on the road again~ HAHA...