It's been a while since my last post and i'm really sorry for that. Thank you for your support that i'm still here with Abby@EOS450D. I've been really busy during my last 2 weeks of holiday.
I'm still in Brunei though, didn't go anywhere. Just been busy doing some freelancing duties. Well, i was basically at home for these past few days.. Flu and Fever..It really spoiled my few days of holiday. HEHE
But Alhamdulillah, im recovering now.
Here's the two pictures that i took today (Saturday 17th January 2009) at Tungku Beach. Went there in the late afternoon with my friend who's eager to learn about taking pictures too.
We didn't take much as the weather was very windy and the current was very rough. So to conclude the day.. heres the last picture that i took..
Once again, thank you to my loyal readers, friends and some families for your support.
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