Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dinner at Le Stadium Restaurant


Le'Stadium Restaurant Menu

Appetizer 1: Garlic Bread

Appetizer 2: not sure wats its name.. huhu but its good!

Chicken Steak Mushroom sauce.. more gravy please!

Special for the day: Golden Blue (chicken mushroom sauce)

Road Runner chicken

Salmon? (not quite sure of the name)

Fish and fried rice? (im not sure of this one as well)

Since he's pretty much like an english man.. might as well treat him at a western cuisine.. so i introduced the family with Le'Stadium. . believe me.. its my first time too and the food, 'NYAMAN' well they need to put more gravy for the gravy food! hehe am i making any sense? anyway Not to forget the 'two thumbs up' customer service! the way they interact with the customer and listening to the customer's comments on the food, which is something irregular from any other restaurants here in Brunei. . .

I wouldn't hesitate to go there again.. especially if theres any special ocassion. . So, to those who wanted to belanja their loved ones on western style food.. i recommend you at Le'Stadium Restaurant situated in Kg Rimba (on the same simpang to i-Lotus)

AND .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! Semoga Allah melanjutkan usia serta memurahkan rezeki dan sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat wal'afiat!


Anonymous said...

terima kasih daun keladi.... ada rezeki datang lagi... cematu tah orang melayu...